Hudson Connect Help Guide
11th November 2019 | Hudson Contract
Below you will find answers to the most common questions we get asked about using Connect
How do I access my 2019/2020 pay statement?
First click on the company you have been engaged through (if you have worked a few then you might need to scroll down the page), go down to the Payment and Deduction Statements (below the purple section) and select the tax year you want to download. From here you can download or print a copy of your statement.
If you have worked for more than one company, just go back to the list of companies and repeat the process above.
The figures are zero – why? I can’t see my 2019/2020 figures.
We are now in a new tax year so when you first log in you see the payments for the 2020/2021 tax year. This will change once a payment is made to you.
To access the 2019/2020 figures go to the Payment and Deduction Statements section, click on the company you have been engaged through. Scroll to the Payment and Deduction Statements and select the 2019/2020 tab.
How do I update my details? (Address/Email/Telephone)
Give us a call on 01262 401040 and we will do this for you. Please note it can take up to 24 hours for it to be updated on your account.
Still having problems, please give us a call on 01262 401040
To speak to one of our team, call us on 01262 401040
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